Friday, July 6, 2007


Many years ago when I was younger and not as bright as I am now, I would participate in some really weird sports. For some reason I got thinking about this one last night. Lin may even have done it. It seems to be a sport that was big in Quebec but only certain areas. Ours was one such area. The sport is called skijoring. I don't know if it unique to Canada or not. But it is fun. To learn more and see pictures go to this website: . You will have to actually go to this because I couldn't get the link to work properly.

I look at the pictures and think how much it has changed. We had old wood skis that you just strapped to your boots. No metal edges on them. Helmets? I don't think so. We weren't too smart about things like that. And open area? No way!. We would be going through a trail in the woods racing somebody else.

How does it work? You need someone with a strong horse, who can really ride. A water ski rope and somebody foolish enough to hang on.Then it is simple.

You start the race with two people, much like a drag race. The two horses take off with the rider and the third party hanging onto the ski rope for dear life. The race winds through a trail in the woods and the first one across the star/ finish line wins. The main rules were: don't get kicked by the horse and don't run into any trees. Both can hurt. But it is great fun.


Lin said...

There was also a couple there who tied what looked like half an ATV to their huskies and let 'er rip. (Babzy, this time I am not kidding). Through the trees flat out like a flea through dog hairs and NO brakes. I passed on that rare opportunity for some foolish reason.

alphonsedamoose said...

Lin: They were good times weren't they?

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Ontario and we are of the same generation but I have never heard of skijorking.

You survived and are here to write about it so you both must have been very skilled skijorkers. Funny it hasn't risen to Olympic event status.

The closest we ever came to that kind of thrill was piling as many kids as possible onto a wooden toboggan. Highest hill we could find, no helmets, lots of trees.

Somebody's mother shouting "IF YOU BREAK YOUR LEG, DON'T COME RUNNING TO ME."

Ahhhh those were the days.

alphonsedamoose said...

Babzy: Skijoring was great fun. I don't think enough people do it to make it an Olympic sport. Check out the website. Great pictures.
Glad you are still with us. Are you feeling better about blogging now. Just ignore the idiots out there.

alphonsedamoose said...

Babzy: do you suppose our mothers knew we wouldn't be able to run?

Lin said...

Moose, glad to see that you lured Babzy back out of the woods. Damn, we all must be pretty tough to still be here talking about those favorite childhood activities. I truly pity the new generations who can't walk down to the corner store without protective gear, escorts and follow-up counselors.

alphonsedamoose said...

Ln: Those were great times weren't they. Didn't have to worry about perverts and kidnappings. I miss the old days sometimes.

Lin said...

Moose, once while out walking in the boonies down the road, I did have to scoop up my little dog and run for our lives from two guys who lept out of a car and pursued but, by in large, yeah, they were still the good old days, still much better than now.

alphonsedamoose said...

Lin: I think for the most part we were much safer then.