Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Can you remember when you first learned to ride a two wheel bike. I can. MY older brother helped me out. At the time we lived in a small town just west of Montreal. We lived beside a huge farm and the driveway to the main farmhouse was paved. The owner had money and was a very kind and generous person. As long as you didn't break or steal anything you were welcome to be on his farm.

I was about 4 year old when I got my first two wheel bike. It wasn't a hand-me -down, but brand spanking new. Red, so it could go fast! My brother was 4 years older and had a bike for a couple of years. He offered to teach me to ride and when I could balance well enough we would go to the paved driveway. I worshipped my brother and thought he could do no wrong. He taught me how to balance and how to pedal. If i wanted to go faster, pedal faster he would tell me. Lean into the corners, don't turn the handle bars. It was great.

I learned everything that first day and we went to THE PAVEMENT. Like I said, this was a long driveway. At least half a mile! My brother said to follow him and we were off. The pavement was as smooth as could be and it was wonderful to listen to the tires humming on the surface. We rode slowly at first just to get used to it. and just did lazy circles to turn around. Soon, we were going as fast as we could. We were zipping along, when my brother veered off on a dirt side road going to the barn. I tried to follow. One minor problem! He had forgotten to teach me how to use the pedal brake and I could not turn fast enough to make the corner.PANIC!

If you have ever lived in the east, you know that the elm and oak trees can be huge. And there in front of me, coming up at the speed of light was a HUGE OAK. I ran right into it. Fortunately I didn't crash. Unfortunately I rode about 6 feet up the trunk of tree. Fortunately I stopped. Unfortunately I fell the 6 feet to the ground with the bike on top of me. Fortunately i was still alive and so was the bike.

So, what do we learn from this little story. Thank your brother for teaching you to ride, but also ask him how to stop.


Lin said...

Geez, did everyone learn this way back then? My brother did the same thing; which was sort of okay with the bicycle but NOT when I moved up to the 750. Thank God they have MSF courses now ... big brothers can be deadly.

alphonsedamoose said...

How true. Maybe they really wanted to get rid of us.