It consists of crawling up the walk calling the dogs. Then into the house for some breakfast with Grandpa. We play "can you make this sound or this face". Of course we also have to play PEEK-A BOO. And this boy eats everything. Whatever the adults are eating, he wants to eat the same things. Hot , spicy, mild. Doesn't matter. He eats it.
A walk in his stroller during which we have to stop at certain power boxes so he can hit them and hear the drum sound. Certain trees, so he can feel the texture of the pine needles, a real estate sign for it's color and picking up pine cones so we can play" No , no you keep it" and we pass the pine cone back and forth.
Once back home, we maybe have a Popsicle or ice cream, then he is into the living room where he wants to play with my computer. He is very smart. He knows that the mouse and the keyboard control what is on the screen. He has a little video with a hippo and a dog singing and dancing to the song " IN the JUNGLE". He has been fascinated by this video since December. He even sings and tries to dance along to it.
After about 20 minutes of the same song, I am ready to pass him off to his Grandma. Into the computer room we go. Yes she has her own room. There we close the door to keep the dogs out and him in . He plays with his truck and anything else he can get his hands on.He is learning the phrase "NO, NO, NO" very quickly. He is also learning to ignore it almost as quickly. He has figured out that if he moves a little stool we have he can climb higher and get into more things. He just doesn't stop moving. He loves to sit on the computer chair and get spun around to get dizzy as you can see by the picture.
By the time his mom gets here he is starting to tire out. He loves to look out the front window and call to her as she comes up the walk. He is glad to see her but not fussy like some kids get. And then he goes home. He is almost 11 months old now and a real joy in our lives
As for me. I go for my nap. I'm exhausted.