Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The little guy in this picture is my Grandson. He will soon be 10 months old. In that time he has learned so much. How to recognize people, how to make different sounds, how to chew and the best of all....... how to be his grandparents instrument of revenge.

Since he starting crawling he , naturally, has been curious about everything he can possibly get to.This , as far as we are concerned is a good thing. As for his parents, BABY PROOF!

My daughter was over the other day and was telling us that earlier she had to change a wash in her house. She left Owen in the basement while she ran upstairs to do this one minute job. As she came back down into the basement, there he was on the first landing , 6 steps up, sitting quite proud of himself. When he saw her , he just smiled and clapped with the " look what I can do" enthusiasm of a little devil.

While he was here, he was sitting and crawling around on the floor. When something caught his eye, he immediately went after it. Natural curiosity. However, when he was told no, what did he do? Exactly the same thing his mother used to do. He looked my wife straight in the eye, all innocent, and the whole time, his little hand was reaching for the one thing he had been told no for. When we laughed and said he was just like his mom, she said,"no I was a good kid". And she was, for the most part. But she would look you straight in the eye and her little hand would be reaching out to touch what she had just been told no for.

He has also learned to pull himself up to a standing position using furniture and tables. He can then reach what he wants. We have a little stool in the room and he knows he can move it to where he wants to go and then get up.

We are going to have to baby proof our house also.I don't mind that. Better safe than sorry. What I really am looking forward to is the little munchkin giving his mother as good as she gave us. (PUT IN EVIL LAUGH SOUND HERE)


Anonymous said...

Grampa Moose, you tell a good story. Kids are pretty funny at that age.

alphonsedamoose said...

Babzy: you're right, and we are having a ball

Lin said...

I know that he's not going to let you down in the least. What goeth around, cometh around. Enjoy!

alphonsedamoose said...


Catmoves said...

Glad to see you're back to your old self. (Pun intended.)
Grandparental revenge is so dang sweet. Hehehehe.

alphonsedamoose said...

Cat: Welcome Back. How as the holiday or should I go read?

Catmoves said...

alphonse, "old" is a state of mind. On the other hand, since retiring, I have found the word "plenty" (when refering to money) is also a state of mind.

alphonsedamoose said...

Cat, How true for both words