Thursday, June 28, 2007


Yesterday and last evening for about 5 1/2 hours, our house was overtaken by a demon. He arrived in his chauffeur driven car and my wife put him on the grass on the front lawn. He just sat there because he does not like the feel of grass on his knees. His uncle Craig finally got him to sort of crawl around on the grass but it was more of a monkey walk than a crawl. Knees never touched the grass once.

Because we have had so much rain this year, the mosquitoes are terrible so we brought him inside. Now he has not been in our house for almost 2 weeks but the first thing he did was head to the dog's dishes, to play in the water bowl. After removing him from the area 5-6 times we finally got smart and moved the dishes outside and the dogs along with them. We closed the patio door and he immediately used it to stand up and look out at the dogs. He also used his tongue to make designs on the glass. To the side of the door is a long window where Mrs. Moose keeps plants behind a curtain.He pulled the curtain aside and started to reach for the plants. "NO!No!" he was told. "YES!YES!", said his mind. After taking him away a number of times we moved him to our computer room/den , which has a door so we could close him in. We set up the toy his mother had brought with her, a music player with different buttons, slides, etc, that play different tunes when moved. This kept his attention for a while.

He then moved on to a dump truck with balls in the back. These, of course, got scattered around the room quickly and just as quickly he was after them. Of course , every time his eye noticed something new, he went after that. Poor Mrs. Moose, she was so busy taking him down from stuff or moving stuff so he couldn't reach it. He has gotten to the stage where he knows he can climb and reach things. You could watch him trying to lift his leg high enough to get up on the coffee table and get the things my wife had moved.

It was like having a never stopping machine in the house. He would move somewhere, we would move stuff so he couldn't get it. He would get something, we would take it away.You can tell by the way he stands himself up that it won't be long before he is walking.

When he got hungry , my son held him and Mrs.Moose fed him. When he has had enough, he takes it in his mouth, chews a bit and then spits it out for the dogs. He also likes to use his "sippy cup" to sprinkle water all over the place. He thinks this is great fun and laugh and laughs.

Back on the floor, he started chasing the dogs. Now neither one of these dogs has ever seen a baby before, except him. And when he was last here he didn't crawl that fast. Now they run from him and are not quite sure what to make of this little person. His dogs at home are the same way. He just loves them.

We decided to put him in his stroller and take him for a walk. On the new strollers, you can strap kids in tightly. He loves to go for walks . If he notices an object on the ground, he practically turns himself into a pretzel to look at it. He notices everything that is going on around him.

Back home, he was getting tired so we(Mrs. Moose) put him down for a nap upstairs. He fell asleep for about half an hour. The problem with this, was Mrs. Moose would have to run upstairs to check on him every five minutes. He has never been upstairs in our house before and we didn't want him scared waking up in a strange place

Just as he awoke, his dad phoned and said he would be picking him up in 20 minutes. The rest re-invigorated him. Into the room with the door and 20 more minutes of play time and his dad arrived and took him home.

He is such a smart little guy. Mimics very well and thinks it is great if he can get you to do a certain task. When you do it, he claps for you.

Owen, our dear little demon was here for 5 1/2 hours. Can hardly wait until he is back. Mrs Moose is exhausted!


Lin said...

Sounds like Owen is training the Grand Meese very well. He somehow figured out that you were always a pushover for encore applause, didn't he?

alphonsedamoose said...


Catmoves said...

How could you have forgotten the joys of a toddler investigating everything? But the best part is giving them back to their parent with a knowing smile.
I think you are madly in love with this child.

alphonsedamoose said...

Cat: You are so RIGHT. We love the little guy like there is no tomorrow. Thre are not words to express it.