Friday, October 12, 2007


After yesterday's blog, I decided to lighten things up a little bit for the next three blogs. Each will be a story, a detective story and you are to figure out the answer to the question at the end. while reading the story, all the clues you need will be supplied to you. If you wish to participate, leave your answer in the comments section. Do not cheat. If you want o cheat, read the comments section to see if somebody has it correct. The correct answer will be published the in the next blog.


One day, three friends who lived very sheltered lives decided to go hunting in woods. Because they were not very bright they had no idea what to hunt for. When they purchased their guns, the gun shop owner had to show them how to hold the guns and where the safety was. He also had to show hem how to put the bullets into the guns. He showed them the safest way to carry them and how to put the safety on and off. He also instructed them to never point a loaded gun at another person unless they meant to use it.

Off they went into the woods for their day of hunting. One of the first things they did was to take the safety off on all their guns. They did not want to be surprised by some wild animal.

Now these were three very different friends.

Bob was tall and thin as not the brightest bulb in the lamp, if you know what I mean. He completely forgot about the safety rules and swung his gun this way and that, pretending to shoot things. He even aimed it at his buddies. Especially at Dick , who was only a casual friend and whom Bob really didn't like.

Melvin was extremely short and heavy. He huffed and puffed his way along, wheezing heavily. Every five minutes he wanted to stop and rest but Dick made him keep moving. Melvin did not like this and thought it would be nice if Dick wasn't there to be so bossy. Melvin was also not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He too walked along with his gun loaded and safety off.

Dick, was in the best shape of them all. Since his heart attack he had worked hard at trying to get back into some sort of decent shape. He was cheating with Bob's wife and pushed Melvin so hard just to be mean. If he could go this far after a heart attack,so could Melvin. Dick had the I.Q. of a potato.

After several hours they came across some tracks in the woods. Bob got all excited and said:" look Rabbit tracks, Rabbit Tracks". He was bouncing all over the place and swinging his gun wildly. Melvin looked at the tracks and told Bob he was stupid. "Them's ain't rabbit tracks. Them's is deer tracks" Melvin stated. He and Bob began to argue. They even pointed their guns at each other. Dick looked at the tracks and said they were both wrong. He belittled them for being so stupid. He lost his temper with them both and told Bob about his affair with his wife. He also told Melvin what a fat out of shape slob he was. He shoved them both out of the way and said he would decide what kind of tracks they were. He bent over the tracks for a very close look. As he was about to say something he died very suddenly? From What?

The question for this story is: How did Dick die?


Catmoves said...

Hi moose. The answer: Them thar tracks was railroad tracks and poo ole Bob got whacked by a train.

alphonsedamoose said...

Hi cat: You are absolutely right. Picked up on all the clues. Way to go.

Unknown said...

I never would have figured it out, anyway...

alphonsedamoose said...

Just me: What can I say? This was actually a joke we used to tell in Quebec.