After supper last night , it was still nice outside so Owen and I decided to go for a walk. As you can see from the pictures he has a light spring coat on (vest underneath) . The temperature was about 10C (50F). You can also see the run-off in the gutter on the road. It was very difficult keeping him out of the water. What is it that attracts young boys to running water to get wet? He was only wearing jeans so I wanted him to stay dry.
Like all young, he was raring to go. We started at our walk and he ran as fast as he could down the sidewalk. I was amazed at how far he went before tiring. In the picture you can just see the second power pole (right side of picture). He ran all the way to that area. It is a good 200 yards from our walk. And was he tired? Nope! He ran most of the way back. He only stopped when a pine cone on the ground caught his eye. Of course, he had to pick it up and then he found another. This one also became part of his collection.
He didn't keep them for long and soon we were running back toward Mrs. Moose.That is the reason the second picture is a little blurred. He was going full steam
and I think I was holding him back. I was trying to get out of the picture.
When we arrived back at the house, he decided to climb the snowbank. Even though it is no particularly high, it is steep. And he had no mitts on. So he grabbed my hand for balance and up he went like a sheep up a mountain. And when he got to the top" TA DA!! I did it."
He would then proceed to slide down the bank onto the sidewalk, bringing lots of snow with him. Over and over again he did this. We were having a terrific time
If I was going to put a caption to this, it would be:" Help, Save me Grandpa"
Feel free to add your own captions. The more the merrier. Sorry there will be no prize.
"Take me to your leader."
Ticblog: Excellent caption.
"Lord, help me find Grampa. He was here one minute then disappeared under the snow."
Babzy, I am sitting here laughing so hard I can barely type.
When you write
"it was still nice outside so Owen and I decided to go for a walk"
I guess it would be more accurate to say, Owen decides and Grandpa follows
As a Granddad I know who is in charge. :)
YesBut: When Owen brought me my outdoor shoes and took off my slippers and then tried to put my outdoor shoes on my feet- I decided to go outside.
We know who's boss , don't we?
He looks like the King of the Mountain, with his favorite body-guard. Very sweet, those outstretched arms.
Bonita: I think that's what he was thinking- that he was on top of the world.
At the moment, I have MUD about that deep, here! But it's kinda fun, too, in it's own way! Especially with the local teenagers, and their daddys' new 4wd pickups...!
Bruno: Do you take your truck out too play with them too?
That is a lot of mud. What you need is one of those mud(?) racers with the big skinny tires. I think that would be a hoot to do.
Naw, I don't play with the "kids"---their young ideas, and my old ways, don't mix anymore!
Bruno, That's what I thought also. But with Owen around, I find I am trying to teach him some of my ways and hopefully he will grow p with some good advice.
Great, you still have piles of snow, Bruno has piles of mud and we have piles of quicksand. Early summer is starting to look pretty good right about now. And then young moosies won't be getting their britches wet either.
Lin: The snow won't be here much longer I don't think. As for the young moosie. He is a boy and will find some way to get wet even if it is just walking n the puddles.
Geeze, Moose, Bruno and Lin have disgusting goop in their areas. Here, I'm wondering if the roses will start blooming next week.
"If you don't help me, Grampa, I'll tell Mrs. Gramma and you'll be sorry."
cat: We will probably have some flowers poking through in the next 2 weeks or so. They seem to know when the temp is warm enough to poke their heads out.
Wonderful pictures!!
Deb: Thank you. He is an easy subject to work with. LOL
Help Grampy. I can't reach the life line.
s"empty: welcome home. That is just about what he was saying
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